Letter from Hopper the Easter Bunny


Surprise your little one with an activity pack that includes an egg hunt and personalised letter from Hopper the Easter Bunny this Spring!

Personalise your letter

This name will appear on the letter.

Choose where you’ll hide the first egg in your Easter egg hunt.

Additional donation




Each pack costs £3 which covers the cost of designing, printing and delivering your pack. Any additional donation you make today is eligible for Gift Aid. Donations are vital for us continue to keep children safe.

Product Description
Why buy from NSPCC?

A letter from Hopper the Easter Bunny is the perfect way to kick-start an Easter bank holiday full of fun. As well as a personalised illustrated letter you’ll find…

  • A yummy recipe for Hopper’s Easter Rocky Road Bars
  • An activity sheet to help you organise an Easter egg hunt, with cut-out eggs for the children to find, each featuring fun facts about some Spring-time animals
  • DIY Easter Egg Bunting

We'll also send you email updates on the status of your letter, information on how you've helped us keep children safe, as well as a survey to help improve the product for next year. 

Everything we do protects children today and prevents abuse tomorrow, to transform society for every childhood.

That’s why we’re here and that’s what drives all of our work. But it’s only possible with your support.


All profits and donations will help us fight for every childhood.